WordPress Website Design + Copywriting
- Baked & Pickled
- WordPress website design
- Copywriting
- Website Build
- 5 Pages
- Design
- Copywriting
- WordPress Build
- Adopt brand personality
- 3 weeks
Baked & Pickled Restaurant in Collingwood, Ontario.
Primary Goal: Their old website was from before the owners had their brick-and-mortar restaurant and were just vendors at the farmer’s market. The primary goal of this WordPress website design and build was to reflect the current state of their restaurant location, menu, and personality.
Secondary Goal: Increase the number of website visitors and the amount of catering requests they receive.
Going through my creative brief with the owner allowed me to understand why he made this investment, the goals of the new website and how he would measure success.
The old website contained no information that represetnwed the current state of his restaurant. It lacked food photos, headlines, relevant messaging and a functional design. I rewrote all the messaging and created a new WordPress website design that was appealing and functional.
Now, when people search “food near me” in their region, they find Baked & Pickled. Before, readers landed to an outdated website that drove them away from their business.
Now, they’re receiving thousands of website visits per month. The website provides them with a competitive edge in the city.
Get In Touch
(226) 582-0232